About Crystal Waters

Crystal Waters is an environmentally and socially responsible rural subdivision, designed using permaculture principles. With a community of over 240 people living in the village, it is continually evolving, physically and socially. Crystal Waters has both a Body Corporate for Property administration and the Co-Operative which serves more as a public and social organisation.
The property covers 640 acres, of which 20% is made up of 83 residential and 2 lots for the Crystal Waters Community Co-operative (Co-Op) which provides facilities and services for some of the social and economic aspirations of the community. The remaining 80% of the land is owned in common. It can be licensed by residents for a variety of pursuits including; agriculture, forestry, recreation, and habitat projects.
As part of the village layout, residential lots are grouped together in a number of small clusters. This allows for small social groups to form within the community and balance out the often isolating remoteness of rural living.
The Village Green is the social hub of the community, with plenty of open space for people to meet, talk and play together. Surrounding The Green are The Kitchen and The Deck, which are used regularly for monthly Markets, Music performances & concerts. They form part of the Village Centre – the area at the Entrance to Crystal Waters zoned for commerce, light industry, tourism and educational activities.
The Village Green provides a venue for Services and a variety of small business enterprise and is home to Crystal Waters Cafe and other small enterprise.
Ikigai Cafe is on The Deck at Crystal Waters and Now Open 7 Days, 8.00 - 2.00pm (kitchen closes 1.30)
Village Objectives

In the early design stages, six basic objectives were agreed upon
- Clean air, water and soil (thus food)
- Freedom of spiritual belief
- To work towards a guarantee of meaningful activity for all
- To create a place for healthy play and safe recreation
- Active social interaction
- Healthy shelter/accommodation
These have mostly been achieved and maintained.
The residential Lots and Co-Op Land also comes under the management of the Crystal waters Body Corporate which is responsible for land and water management, village roads and shared land use.
By-Laws Document. https://cwbodycorporate.com.au/our-by-laws-and-policies
By-laws ensure that residents are responsible for the provision of their needs and the disposal of waste within ecological parameters. While these by-laws provide a framework for sustainable living, perhaps more effective is the reality of living where your decisions affect ‘your own backyard’. Here you can’t just flush the problem away, our interests are toward environmental and ethical co-responsibility.
Residents and visitors can hire parts of The Village Centre to hold Concerts, Parties, Weddings, Markets, Music Events, Courses, and Festivals. This provides the opportunity for The Village to come together with the nearby community.