Australian Permaculture Course based in Queensland
The Crystal Waters Community Co-operative presents upcoming Permaculture Courses in 2025, featuring several highly experienced presenters of Permaculture in a comprehensive experience over 14-days at the Crystal Waters Permaculture Village.
Listen to this audio by Robin Clayfield for our Introduction!
With Respect, we begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and host the PDC, the Kabi Kabi and Jinibara peoples. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging and give thanks for their caring for country for so, so long. We are honoured to live and offer our work in these beautiful lands. Thank you.
This Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC) is run by the Crystal Waters Co-operative,
Hosted by Robin Clayfield on behalf of the Co-operative.
We've now planned for the Autumn 2025 PDC for the next amazing Residential Permaculture Experience. Scroll Down for information and Register your position in the next Permaculture Course at Crystal Waters.
The Crystal Waters Community Cooperative is a non-profit organisation that manages the public facilities at Crystal Waters and owns the Village Green area including the Deck and Kitchen facilities and the Village Camping area and Cabin Accommodation. More...
The Crystal Waters Co-op
Permaculture Design Course
hosted by Robin Clayfield & CW Co-operative
Next PDC > Autumn 2025; March 30 to April 13
Registrations Now Open for the next Course, scroll down to the booking form link
Australian Permaculture Courses
with Leading Permaculture Educators.
Crystal Waters Eco Village near Maleny / Conondale has established its reputation as a centre for Permaculture here in Queensland with its history going back over 37 years.
The PDC Permaculture Course offering at Crystal Waters includes several Presenters with decades of experience in Permaculture, Sustainable agriculture, Soils & Seeds, Organics and Design principles. The Presenters for this PDC Course include Robin Clayfield, Max Lindegger, Annaliese Hordern & a range of other great special guest presenters.
Permaculture is a design system that attempts to emulate nature in the design and experience that we have within our living environments. Encompassing a wide range of topics on ecological living, from energy efficiency to sustainable and organic agriculture, examining our relationship with water, sun, food and soil - to living in harmony with our environment.
The idea of permaculture as ‘permanent agriculture' is evolving. In recent times there has been significant recognition of the need for more sustainable living and improving our ability to live in harmony with Nature and become more sustainable in all aspects of our lives. Many people are now seeking solutions to modern "out of balance" living and these Courses and the experience here are aimed to elevate people of any age to discover and design sustainable living strategies for their own life.
Crystal Waters has developed over 35 years ago, designed along Permaculture principles. It now houses over 250 people of all ages in 83 properties, on the 640 acres of bushland at the headwaters of the Mary River. Abounding with wildlife and birdlife, Crystal Waters is a nature sanctuary worth experiencing. The Village Green is also a place for regular social interaction with events and monthly markets.
Participants will experience Permaculture first-hand through visiting several local properties and hearing from people about their practical experiences on their land.
The Ecopark camping area provides a lovely place in Nature for visitors to stay during events and Permaculture courses.

Permaculture Course general info
The precise details of each Course will vary depending on the Instructors and on the needs of the Participants. There is much that can be said about what is involved in a 2-week Permaculture Course, but the following is just a guideline. The intention is to take you through Theory & Practical of the body of knowledge of Permaculture as was originally developed by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren, to whom we owe gratitude to these Founders for initiating the Permaculture Principles and the many techniques that have collectively been adopted under the umbrella of Permaculture.
It will also expand the cutting edge of Permaculture to include Social Permaculture, Deep Ecology and a people-centred approach.
With thanks to David Holmgren for his development and popularisation of these revamped Principles and for incorporating the seven Domains.
Participants are required to attend all sessions during the 2-week intensive with many varied activities and you will be involved in creating example Designs based on Permaculture Principles.
Topics Covered in this Permaculture Design Course (PDC) at Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage include:
1. Introduction to Crystal Waters: Place, People and PDC Program
Acknowledge Country – Kabi Kabi and Jinibara, Acknowledge Founders
Tour of East and West Sides of Crystal Waters
Visit to Earthcare Farm (Commercial Bamboo Forest) and other Lots and License Areas
Outline 12 ½ days of Programmed Sessions, Field Trips, Hands-On Activities and Evening Sessions
1 Day Off in the Middle to Rest, Integrate and Review
Morning Focusing and Revision to Begin Each Day
2. Introduction to Permaculture
Principles and Ethics
Observing Natural Systems
Patterns in Nature
Permaculture Design - Concepts and Attitudes
3. Zone and Sector Planning
First Steps in Design
Zone One Planning
Sector Analysis
4. Climate
Climatic Conditions and Challenges
Microclimate Design
5. Topography
6. Water in the Landscape
Basic Principles and Methods – Harvesting, Storage, Use and Conservation, Reuse and Treatment
Dam Construction and methods for Drought Proofing
Waste and Recycling Systems
7. Soils
Important Steps to Improve Soil Conditions
Nutrients and Microbes
Understanding Soil Tests
Organic Matter and Composting
Green Manures and Mulching
8. Zone One Systems
Establishing Productive Gardens
Weeds ID and Management
Toward Year-round Production
Seed Saving, Seed Raising
Integrated Pest Management – a Healthy Garden Without Poisons
Making Liquid Fertilizers
Worm Farming
9. Establishing Orchard Systems
Selection Criteria
Planning in Time and Space
Food Forests, Forest Gardens, Syntropic Farming
Maintenance of Fruit Trees
10. Animals in the Permaculture System
Animals – Needs and Gifts
Keeping Animals for Food or Profit
Highlight on Bees and Chickens
11. The Place of Forests
Visit Local Crystal Waters Forest Areas
Natural Succession
Establishing and Maintaining Forest systems, Tree Choices
Windbreaks and their Design
Deep Ecology
12. Village Design and Community Development
The Crystal Waters Story – Challenges and Lessons
GEN – Global Ecovillage Network
Creating Community
13. Urban Design and Issues
The Place for Permaculture in High-Density Environments
Retrofitting the Suburbs
14. Healthy Building - Design and Materials
Visit Energy-efficient Home
See Examples of Natural Buildings
Towards Energy-efficient Design
Building Materials and Recycling
15. Appropriate Technology
Crystal Waters Examples
Show and Tell
16. Bioregionalism and Community Food Systems
School Gardens
City Farms, Community Gardens
Relocalisation vs Globalisation
17. Money and Real Wealth
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Ethical Investment
Exchange Systems, Micro-finance, Evolving Strategies…
Social Enterprise Development Ideas, Discussions and Examples
18. Social Permaculture
What is Social Permaculture?
Applying Permaculture Principles and Strategies to Groups, Organisations, Businesses, Lifestyle and Communities
Group Dynamics and Dynamic Decision Making
19. Creating Good Design
Steps to Permaculture Design for a Piece of Land
Past student's Design Examples from Previous PDC Courses
Practical Experience in Permaculture Design Development
Discussion and Feedback on Design Exercises
20. Going Forth, Applying Your Skills and Future Steps
Making a Living or a Lifestyle from Permaculture
Working as a Permaculture Designer or Teacher
Demonstration Sites and Applying Principles at Home
WWOOFing and Volunteering, Gaining Experience
Tools and Resources
Courses, Books, Magazines
Permaculture Australia and APC, IPC (Convergences) and Networks
Community Organisations
21. Completion

PDC Courses & Presenters
Next PDC > March 30 - April 13, 2025 PDC hosted by Robin Clayfield & CW co-op

Robin Clayfield is a Permaculture Pioneer and an acknowledged Permaculture Elder who's lived at Crystal Waters Permaculture EcoVillage since its inception in 1988.
Over 40 years of living and evolving Permaculture has seen her excel as an international educator, group facilitator and author specialising in creative, interactive facilitation, group leadership, Permaculture, Deep Ecology, Social Permaculture and social change.
Robin Clayfield
Robin will be the host, with and on behalf of the Co-op. She is the key presenter and programme co-ordinator.
Robin hosted the successful last 8 Crystal Waters PDC's. With an expanded Programme having gathered together many Crystal Waters and Maleny Region PDC teachers who are excited to be involved.
The Autumn 2025 PDC builds on many experiences and promises to be a fantastic Permaculture Design Certificate Course with many different skills and presentation styles offered, including Robin’s creative, interactive learning methods.
Her legendary book 'You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too' has sold over 5,000 copies (a best seller in OZ) and her educational card games, teacher training Manual and resources support and inspire educators globally. Her main focus for the past three decades has been Training Permaculture Teachers, Educators, Facilitators and Group Leaders along with popularising Social Permaculture.
Back in the early days of Permaculture, Robin (and Skye) hosted and facilitated over 30 PDC’s (Permaculture Design Courses) in a 17-year time span from the late ’80s and has since presented numerous guest sessions in other PDC’s and advanced courses as well as running her own Social Permaculture courses and Teacher Trainings. She was well qualified to take the baton from Max Lindegger who had been the main Teacher for the Crystal Waters Cooperative’s PDC for the 8 years to 2021.
Annaliese Hordern
Annaliese has been part of the Crystal Waters PDC Team for 8 years and brings an enthusiasm for Permaculture in action, with several years experience in Permaculture and Teaching in PDC's in Australia and overseas. Annaliese teaches several crucial Sessions - on Soils, composting, seedling propogation, pest management, urban design, disaster management & other topics.
Annaliese Hordern is here to be part of the Regeneration - People and Planet!

Director of the Change Makers Permaculture Design Course, she holds a degree in Environmental Resource Management and a Diploma of Permaculture. Annaliese draws upon two decades of Permaculture experience, initially travelling our world volunteering at eco-communities learning about localised regenerative practices for land and people. Focusing the past 13 years in adult education, she has been working with, learning from and documenting the pioneers and elders of the Permaculture movement. This research has contributed to the ‘Permaculture Design Notes’ collaborative book with Delvin Solkinson and team.
Annaliese worked for 4 years with Green Harvest Organic Gardening as a nursery horticulturalist propagating their diverse collection of permaculture plants grown onsite and sold Australia wide. As an immense give back to the community Annaliese works in collaboration with Grounded Permaculture Action Party Inc. on the Leadership Board, hosting retreats, running community events and Permaculture Action Parties!
As a natural-born educator, Annaliese has a real passion for mentoring participants through their learning journey whether organic gardeners or nomad travellers. Evolving an inclusive, people-focused teaching style, she is known for using her voice, body language and creative learning tools to convey her message. Her current niche is supporting people to leverage and transform their personal projects and lifestyle with Permaculture, to become activated change makers. When not out changing the world, Annaliese can be found in her 1-acre Permaculture gardens, in the Sunshine Coast hinterlands where she grows over 100 culturally diverse edible plants and regularly hosts lush dinner parties.
Max Lindegger - Special guest

Max Lindegger
Max was the key Designer of the Crystal Waters Permaculture Village
We are pleased and fortunate to have Max present at this PDC.
At the beginning of Permaculture, Bill Mollison invited Max to participate in the first Permaculture Course in 1979, and he also took part in the second course the year after.
Since then, Max has taught Permaculture courses worldwide, from the UK to the US, from Denmark to Macau, and from Argentina to New Zealand, and has been consulting on the subject in over 60 countries.
Max was one of the original Designers of the Crystal Waters EcoVillage and several others. Together with his wife, Trudi, he has been experimenting with Permaculture at Crystal Waters for over 36 years. They work with Bees, grow vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and keep cattle on their property in Crystal Waters. Beekeeping is one of Max's real passions.
Max has also been instrumental in Permaculture Village projects in Cambodia. He regularly volunteers to work in Cambodia and other countries, where he searches for and provides solutions to help the disadvantaged through Permaculture practices.
AND Guest Presenters!
In addition, we have several Crystal Waters Residents and Locals who are involved, demonstrating Permaculture Principles on their land - or in discussing one of the related topics!
They include Richard Mochelle, Charlie Walshe, Peter Vanderduys and Brian Lowry - each presenting interesting Topics from their own experiences, closely related to Permaculture.
There will be an excellent Hands-on Presentations with Trev & Holly from Regeneridge Permaculture Centre on their nearby property, which demonstrates Permaculture in action. Their info https://www.facebook.com/RegeneridgePermacultureCentre
Garden Tours: These too are an informative and valuable experience and exposure to what is possible through the experience of working with Permaculture.
Nigel Parratt
Nigel has a mechanical engineering background and completed his first PDC in 1984, which led to him co-founding the Illawarra Permaculture Association, teaching permaculture at several TAFE Colleges, and establishing a nursery specialising in edible and useful plants and working as a permaculture consultant.
In the late 1980’s, Nigel’s passion for permaculture led to him buying property at Crystal Waters, where he built his own home and was involved in many aspects of the community. Nigel worked as a Production Manager for a company that manufactured composting toilets and wastewater treatment systems. Since 2005, Nigel has worked for several environment NGO’s analysing and providing feedback to Queensland and Australian Government water resource management policies, plans and programs.
Course Support
Bruce Gibson. PDC Organiser & Website Webmaster. Bruce will assist you to Register and help with any questions you have. Bruce has been a Crystal Waters Resident for 16 years and has organised the last 11 years of the Permaculture PDC. Bruce is on hand to answer your questions about the next PDC.
Rob Kann joins the Team as an assistant to the Organisers. Rob participated in the Crystal Waters PDC first in 2017, is Admin support for the Co-operative and is currently Manager for our Monthly Family Fun Day Markets.
We also have friendly, helpful support for Participants during the Course and helpers for the Presenters, making sure that our PDC runs smoothly each day.
There are many people within Crystal Waters who contribute their energy and time to make these Courses available.
EcoPark staff are valuable in assisting with your Accommodation needs at Crystal Waters Accommodations.
Sabine is the overall Events & Venue manager, including the EcoCentre.
Co-op Staff & Directors. The Crystal Waters Community Co-operative is a not-for-profit Organisation with a Team of Locals working within our Community to ensure that the facilities, venues, and events function well. We are grateful to the more than 10 people who put energy into Crystal Waters every week.
AND Other Residents of the Community!
Course Location & Venue
The Permaculture Course is held at the beautiful Crystal Waters Permaculture Village, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia.

Eco Centre
Sessions are held in and around the purpose-built Eco Centre above the Village Green, and at permaculture properties within Crystal Waters.
* we are only able to accept 18 Participants in this group.
The EcoCentre Learning space has several areas; indoor, outdoor on the verandah and breakout spaces outside. This Venue lends itself perfectly to the learning experience for Participants to get the most from the PDC. The EcoCentre has a Kitchenette for refreshments and filtered water supply. The wide north-facing Verandah overlooks the Village Centre, the main Kitchen & The Deck with the Blackall Range to the East.

Food and Catering

All Meals are provided during the Course and are served from the licensed commercial kitchen on the Deck on the Village Green, just a couple of minutes’ walk from the Eco Centre.
The Food prepared in the Crystal Waters commercial kitchen uses locally sourced and organic ingredients where possible, with minimal processed foods. The Menu is based on healthy foods with vegetarian and non-vegetarian choices. Prepared with love and provides a variety for your enjoyment. Hygiene is of utmost importance for us and all participants, so we take great care and follow best practices for catering.
The Meals are provided Smorgasbord style, with an enjoyable eating & sharing atmosphere created on the Crystal Waters "Deck".
The Catering Team including Yoav, Bec and Donna are very experienced and have a wonderful range of cuisine, catering to both Veg and non-vegetarian preferences & tastes, providing a delicious range of healthy foods. We also provide refreshments, fruit and beverages (teas & coffee) throughout each day. Special needs and allergies can be catered to if we know in advance.
The 'Ikigai cafe' located adjacent to The Kitchen is run by Faye, Raven & team where you can get extras like great cappuccinos, lattes, shakes, cakes and savoury food if required.
Course Accommodation
Note: Accommodation and Camping is an additional cost.
Camping is available at Crystal Waters Visitors Camping Area, only 7 minutes walk to The Village Green & Eco Centre. Or you can upgrade Accommodation to one of the Bunkrooms.
The Ecopark has a good Amenities block with hot showers and laundry facilities. There is a covered Camp Kitchen setup with hotplates, sink and Fridges with a large open fire pit close by. It is set in a lovely bush setting with wildlife (mainly Kangaroos & Wallabies) and bird-life in abundance.
If Camping, you will need to bring your own tent & bedding and all your personal needs.
Accommodation is available within the Crystal Waters Visitors Camping Area "EcoPark" – or with Residents in the Village by prior arrangement for an extra fee for the 14 nights: (subject to availability – book early).
- You will need to bring your own Linen, Blankets & Pillows, Towel etc.
Accommodation is an additional cost to the PDC fees.
Places are available in our Ecopark in the Village, Please Book Online. A discount is provided compared to our normal fees. A Course Discount Coupon will be provided on Registration, or talk with the EcoPark Manager.
Prices include GST. Special rates for PDC Participants. (Prices may vary)
*Please check Prices with Management.
- Camping is available From $250 for 2 weeks/14 nights (bring Tent or Van), if Van aircon used cost total is $320.
- Bunk bed in one of the 2 shared rooms (a male & a female room) at EcoPark Bunkhouse is from $420. (Bed linen supplied).
The special rate for the PDC is 10% Off the normal Booking price for the 14 nights of the Course. - Private Room or Family room at Bunk House (1 or 2 available rooms - please check on current availability in our Booking System).
- Or, subject to availability there are some other accommodation options such as Airbnb at Crystal Waters.

Registrations Now Open for the next Course, scroll down to the booking form link
Conducted by Crystal Waters Community Co-operative, Hosted by Robin Clayfield
2025 PDC: Sunday 30th March to Sunday 13th April
Registration is now Open for our 2025 PDC experience!
Permaculture Course Fees is $2450 normal price
(includes All Meals)
TO REGISTER FOR THE Crystal Waters Community Co-operative AUTUMN 2025 COURSE - CLICK BELOW

About Crystal Waters Permaculture Village

Crystal Waters Permaculture Village was established at the headwaters of the Mary River in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland in 1988. Around 250 people live on 84 residential lots within the 640 acre property.
We are a multi-cultural community and there is no set belief system except for the common agreements of respect for the land, wildlife and for each other.
The residents living at Crystal Waters are people of all ages, nationalities and a wide variety of beliefs - just like in other parts of Australia. We are multi-cultural, multi-talented, and diverse in our interests and activities. Although some people choose a more secluded life, most who live here find enjoyment in interacting during either Events, at the Coffee Shop or Bakery, or at some of the Groups activities organised for anyone to participate in. Some are Permaculture related, but other groups are for music, yoga, classes, martial arts, weeding & bush regeneration, painting & crafts and more.
On the First Saturday each month, the Crystal Waters Monthly Market welcomes you to enjoy the relaxed and creative ecovillage ambience on the Village Green. FOOD is available.
Purchase local organic fresh produce, freshly baked sourdough organic bread, veggie seedlings, herbs, raw honey, gourmet foods, handmade soaps, and a range of other products. Yoga, acupuncture and massage may also be available to help you unwind. Enjoy food and drinks from the cafes and food stalls and take in the morning program of live music and other activities offered on the green.

Crystal Waters also provides a unique alternative Venue for all types of Events such as music gigs, festivals, weddings, conferences and workshops.
* Course Fee for 2025 is $2450
includes GST
Looking for a FUTURE Course? Yes, you can already Apply, JUST use the same Registration Form, but check the 'future PDC' box.
'Early-bird' Fees for August PDC are available at $2250 and can begin with a $250 deposit.
The Course Fee includes all learning sessions, activities, meals, field trip and your Certificate.
Note: Accommodation is an additional cost. Places are available in our Ecopark in the Village, Please Book Online. A Course Discount Coupon will be provided on Registration.
Registration Open - places are filling for the 2025 Permaculture Course at Crystal Waters
Register now as places fill quickly.
Register Now with a deposit to hold your place!
Course fees include:
- All Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning teas & all-day Cuppas.
- 14 full Days - 12.5 days of thorough content, including hands-on gardening & Practical Design exercises - over 80 hours of teaching time plus a day off
- Comprehensive course notes are provided in handouts and a Google Drive
- PDC Certificate as a “Permaculture Designer”
- Eco Village living experience in the award-winning Crystal Waters Permaculture Village
- Visits to eco-homes and gardens to experience, learn & share Permaculture practices with community members
- Social & local sightseeing events, delight in our wildlife and the experience of being in an Eco Village!

All Enquiries & Bookings can be directed to Bruce Gibson, The PDC organiser on behalf of the Crystal Waters Community Co-op:
- Email: permaculture@crystalwaters.org.au (Bruce Gibson). CC: robin@earthcare.com.au (Robin Clayfield)
- Phone or SMS: 0429 455 200 (Bruce),
or 5494 4620 (Co-Op Office) (within Australia),
- Mail address: 1/65 Kilcoy Lane, Conondale, Qld 4552, Australia
FAQs ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) offered at Crystal Waters?
A: The Permaculture Design Course is a comprehensive, hands-on educational program that teaches participants the principles, ethics, and practical techniques of permaculture design, enabling them to create sustainable and resilient living systems.
Q: Who can participate in the PDC?
A: The PDC is open to individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels, from beginners to experienced permaculture practitioners, who are interested in learning how to apply permaculture principles in their lives and communities.
Q: How long is the PDC?
A: The PDC is typically a 2-week intensive course, with a mix of classroom learning, hands-on activities, and site visits to local permaculture projects.
Q: What topics are covered in the PDC?
A: The PDC covers a wide range of topics, including permaculture ethics and principles, design methods, soil fertility, water management, food production, energy systems, natural building, and social and economic aspects of sustainable living.
Q: Do I need any prior knowledge or experience in permaculture to join the PDC?
A: No prior knowledge or experience in permaculture is necessary to participate in the PDC. The course is designed to accommodate participants with varying levels of experience and knowledge in the field.
Q: Are accommodations and meals provided during the PDC?
A: Yes, all meals are provided for participants during the PDC, both Vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals are prepared using locally sourced and mostly organic ingredients whenever possible and are highly enjoyed. For EcoPark accommodations there are modest fees with options for camping or staying in private or shared rooms.
Q: Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the PDC?
A: Yes, participants who successfully complete the PDC will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate, which is internationally recognised and allows them to practice and permaculture design or to use the principles in multiple other ways.
Q: Can I use the skills and knowledge acquired during the PDC in my career?
A: Absolutely! The PDC equips participants with practical skills and knowledge that can be applied in various fields, such as agriculture, landscape design, urban planning, natural resource management, and environmental education.
Q: How much does the PDC cost?
A: The cost of the PDC can vary depending on the specific course, location, and accommodations chosen. It is recommended to visit the Crystal Waters website or contact the organisers for the most up-to-date pricing information.
Q: How can I register for the PDC at Crystal Waters?
A: To register for the PDC at Crystal Waters, visit their website at https://crystalwaters.org.au/permaculture-design-course/ and follow the instructions provided. You need to fill out a registration form and submit a deposit to secure your spot in the course.
Q: Is the PDC at Crystal Waters suitable for people with disabilities?
A: Crystal Waters strives to accommodate people with disabilities, but it is important to contact the organisers to discuss any specific needs or requirements prior to registering for the course.
Q: Are there any age restrictions for participating in the PDC?
A: While there is no specific age restriction, the PDC is generally designed for adult learners. However, mature and motivated teenagers may also be considered for participation. It is recommended to contact the course organisers to discuss the suitability of the course for younger participants.
Q: Will there be opportunities for networking and collaboration during the PDC?
A: Yes, the PDC offers ample opportunities for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and collaborate on projects, both during the course and after its completion.
Q: Can I get a refund if I need to cancel my registration for the PDC?
A: Refund policies can vary depending on the specific course and organisers. It is essential to review the cancellation and refund policy on the Registration Form provided by Crystal Waters before registering for the PDC and to contact them directly with any questions or concerns.
Q: What is the student-to-teacher ratio in the PDC?
A: The PDC at Crystal Waters is designed to provide an intimate learning experience, with a typical student-to-teacher ratio of around 15:1. This allows for personalised instruction and support throughout the course. In group activities we always have an additional assistant supporting both the presenter and participants.
Q: Is there any follow-up support after completing the PDC at Crystal Waters?
A: Crystal Waters encourages participants to stay connected with their fellow graduates, instructors, and the broader permaculture community to seek ongoing support, advice, and collaboration opportunities. Within each PDC group participants share contact details so they can stay in touch, and with the PDC Team.
Q: Can I take the PDC if I am not from Australia?
A: Yes, the PDC at Crystal Waters is open to participants from all around the world but requires you to attend at Crystal Waters Permaculture Village for the training. International participants are welcome to join the course and learn about permaculture principles and techniques that can be applied in various climates and contexts.
Q: How do I prepare for the PDC?
A: Prior to attending the PDC, it is helpful to familiarise yourself with the basics of permaculture and its principles. Reading books, watching videos, or taking online introductory courses can be beneficial. We send you reading material before you attend. However, no specific preparation is required, as the PDC is designed to accommodate participants with varying levels of experience.
Q: Are there any additional costs associated with attending the PDC?
A: While the course fee generally covers tuition, course materials and meals, participants may need to cover additional costs such as travel expenses, personal supplies, or optional activities during the course. EcoPark Accommodations is an additional fee but varies, please check. It is essential to review the specific course information on the website and if required contact us for more details.
Q: How can I stay informed about future PDC offerings at Crystal Waters?
A: To stay informed about future PDC offerings and other permaculture-related events at Crystal Waters, you can sign up for the newsletter or follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook.